
It’s impossible to talk about a Kanye album without discussing the circumstances of its creation, since those circumstances usually inform the listener with the underlying themes of the ensuing work. The promotional cycle behind Ye has been a tumultuous one, to say the least: associations with conservative firebrands, assertions of brotherhood with a President supported by Nazis, misogynists, and all sorts of awful people, and even allegations of slavery being a choice are all the highlights from this era. West attempted to clarify his thoughts, but all that came across was West’s inability to apologize or even admit he might have been wrong about something. He never was able shake the fiery allegations lobbed at him by the press and social media: the stream of memes referencing “Get Out”, the allegations that Kanye forgot his activists roots, that he’d been trapped in Calabasas too long to forget what it was like to be black in the real world. For the faithful, the...